Interview with students:
Friday 9:00a.m.-12:00a.m.
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field:
Room 615, School of Economics, Peking University
Education background:
Bachelor in Economics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Master in Economics, Wuhan University
Ph.D. in Economics, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
Work experience:
2014.8-present, Associate Professor, School of Economics, Peking University
2012.9 -2014.8, Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Peking University
2011-2012.9, Associate Professor, China Economics and Management Academy, Central University of Finance and Economics
2008-2010, Assistant Professor, China Economics and Management Academy, Central University of Finance and Economics
Research interests:
Dynamic economics method
Calculation method and dynamic macroeconomic welfare analysis method
Methods of mathematical economics
Public finance theory
Asset pricing
Applied macroeconomic research method
Public economics (MA)
Advanced public economics
Advanced Microeconomics
Cui Xiaoyong and Liutang Gong. Macroeconomic Policies and Foreign Asset Accumulation in a Finite-Horizon Model,2008,Annals of Economics and Finance, vol. 9, 293-313.
Cui Xiaoyong and Liutang Gong. Foreign Aid, Domestic Capital Accumulation, and Foreign Borrowing,2008, Journal of Macroeconomics, vol.30, 1269-1284.
Cui Xiaoyong, Liutang Gong, Jiangfang Yang, and Heng-fu Zou. Marshallian Time Preference and Monetary Nonneutrality,2008,Economic Modelling,vol.25, 1196-1205.
Cui Xiaoyong and Liutang Gong. Laplace Transform Methods for Linearizing Multidimensional Systems,Economics Letters, 2006, Vol.90, 176-182.
Chen Changsheng, Xu Zhaoyuan, and Cui Xiaoyong. Migrant workers citizenization creates demand for consumption, China Economist, 2010年05期.
Cui Xiaoyong,Liutang Gong, Xiaojun Zhao and Heng-fu Zou. The Z-transform method for multidimensional dynamic economic systems, Applied Economics Letters, 2013, Vol. 20, No. 11, 1081–1088.
Cui Xiaoyong and Liutang Gong. The Risk-Free Rate in a Finite Horizon Model with Bequest, Bulletin of Economic Research, 2015, Volume 67, Issue 2, 105–114.
媒体报道、机构交易与股价的波动性 《金融研究》,2014年第3期.
严成樑 崔小勇. 习惯形成及其对宏观经济学发展的影响——一个文献综述,《世界经济文汇》,2013年第1期。
庄子罐 崔小勇 龚六堂 邹恒甫. 预期与经济波动:预期冲击是驱动中国经济波动的主要力量吗?,《经济研究》,2012年第6期。
严成樑 崔小勇. 资本投入、经济增长与地区差距,《经济科学》,2012年第2期。
龚六堂 崔小勇 严成樑. 现代经济学研究范式与中国现实经济问题探讨,《经济研究》,2011年 S2期。
崔小勇 龚六堂. 两部门内生增长框架下财政政策的短期分析,《系统科学与数学》,2011年第2期。
张克中 王娟 崔小勇. 财政分权与环境污染:碳排放的视角,《中国工业经济》,2011年10期。
国务院发展研究中心课题组 刘世锦 陈昌盛 许召元 崔小勇. 农民工市民化对扩大内需和经济增长的影响,《经济研究》,2010年第6期,第4-16页。
蒋承 郭黄斌 崔小勇. 利率衍生品的定价研究——基于LIBOR市场模型,《金融理论与实践》,2010年第2期,第1-9页。
庄子罐 崔小勇 邹恒甫. 动态最优税收理论的一般框架,《世界经济文汇》,2009年第3期,第22-35页。
崔小勇 龚六堂. 政府政策改变的福利分析方法,《经济学报》,2008年4月。
崔小勇 龚六堂. 垄断竞争框架下的财政政策和货币政策,《经济学报》,2006年第2卷第1辑,87-110页。
邹薇 崔小勇. 让?蒂罗尔经济思想评介,《经济学动态》,2003年第7期。