【1】The Rise and Fall of Paper Money in Yuan China, 1260-1368,Economic History Review, forthcoming.(with Nuno Palma and Meng Wu)
【2】China, Europe and the Great Divergence: A Restatement (with Stephen Broadberry and David Daokui Li), Journal of Economic History, 2021, 81, 958-974.(with Stephen Broadberry and David Daokui Li)
【3】China, Europe and the Great Divergence: A Study in Historical National Accounting (with Stephen Broadberry and David Daokui Li), Journal of Economic History(lead article,runner up for best paper award),2018, 78(4), 955-1000.
【5】中国在世界经济中相对地位的演变(1000—2017)——对麦迪逊估算的修正(与金星晔、李稻葵、 Stephen Broadberry),《经济研究》(封面文章,被《人大复印资料(经济史)》全文转载),2019年第7期, 第12-27页。
【10】经济开放与政府规模 ——来自历史的新发现(1850~2009)(与毛捷、林智贤),《经济研究》(封面文章,被选为世界经济学会“国际投资学2015年十佳中文论文”),2015年第7期,第87-101页。
【1】Regional Variation of GDP Per Head Within China,1080-1850: Implications for the Great Divergence Debate. (with Stephen Broadberry)
【1】Public Finance in Imperial China (997-1911): a Millennium Quantification. (with Debin Ma and Runzhuo Zhai)
【2】The Value of State Capacity:Evidence from Chinese Foreign Debts,1857-1961.
【1】2018年4月参加英国基尔大学经济史学会年会(Economic History Society Annual Conference),陈述论文“The Silver Standard as a Discipline on Money Over-Issuances: The Mechanism of Paper Money in Yuan China”.
【2】2016年8月参加韩国首尔第五届亚洲历史经济学年会(Asia Historical Economics Conference),陈述论文“Denationalization of Money: A Study Based on Natural Experiment at China's Western Han Dynasty(175BC–144BC)”。
【3】2015年6月参加日本京都世界经济史大会(World Economic History Conference),陈述论文" Land Equalization, Social Mobility, and the Rise of Civil Service Exam System”。
【4】2014年10月参加土耳其伊斯坦布尔第四届亚洲历史经济学年会(Asia Historical Economics Conference),陈述论文“Why Official Selection System Replaced Hereditary System In China’s Tang Dynasty”。
【5】2014年9月参加美国哥伦布俄亥俄州立大学经济史学会年会(Economic History Association Annual Conference),陈述论文“CHINA, EUROPE AND THE GREAT DIVERGENCE: A STUDY IN HISTORICAL NATIONAL ACCOUNTING, 980-1850”。
【6】2012年8月参加南非世界经济史大会(World Economic History Conference),陈述论文“Chinese Economic Growth(980-1840)”。
【1】2010年10月清华大学经济管理学院第二届亚洲历史经济学年会(Asia Historical Economics Conference),并陈述论文“China’s GDP and Economic Performance: Comparisons between Northern Song and Ming Dynasty”。
【2】2016年威尼斯wnsr9778第四届量化历史国际学术年会(The 4th International Symposium on Quantitative History)。
【3】2015年威尼斯wnsr9778第三届量化历史国际学术年会(The 3th International Symposium on Quantitative History)。